Saturday, March 28, 2020

Home Education and Private Tutoring Guide For Pennsylvania

Home Education and Private Tutoring Guide For PennsylvaniaWhether you are already a student, a teacher, or even a teacher's aide, learning about Pennsylvania schools and charter schools can be very helpful to you. One of the best ways to learn about these schools is to read a home education and private tutoring guide for Pennsylvania. Here are some tips that will help you make the most of your Pennsylvania schools and personal tutor visit.First, a variety of homeschoolers use different learning styles. If you find out that you are unable to pick up on some of the finer points of the curriculum, you may need to try your home education and private tutoring guide for Pennsylvania. Some schools have effective, personalized curriculum that addresses the learning style of every student.Second, you may want to ask your state educational board if there are any education programs that meet your educational needs. While you may not meet all of the requirements, you may be able to use a home ed ucation and private tutoring guide for Pennsylvania to find the schools that are willing to work with you. Some of the private schools are limited and do not offer many options for instruction. In fact, some schools are dedicated only to the home schooling of their students.Third, look into the requirements to start attending an education program. Some schools require homeschooling in order to attend, but many do not. If your home education and private tutoring guide for Pennsylvania do not specify any schools that you can attend, consider making a list of possible schools.Fourth, make sure you have discussed any education plan you might be working on with your advisor. A professional advisor can be a valuable asset to you. If you do not feel comfortable discussing your education plans with your advisor, you should hire a private tutor instead.Fifth, you may want to discuss your goals for further education with your advisor. If you do not have a solid vision of what you want to lear n or achieve, you may need to seek outside resources for guidance. A home education and private tutoring guide for Pennsylvania will have useful information for making the right decisions.It is very important to take time to properly prepare for your home education and private tutoring guide for Pennsylvania. Keep the following tips in mind as you plan your visit:

Friday, March 6, 2020

Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee image via Antioxidants Antioxidants are found in coffee. Antioxidants are substances that can help prevent cell damage of some types. According to a study by researchers at the University of Scranton, coffee is ranked the “number one source of antioxidants.” This is ranked over fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants have a wide range of health benefits including healthy skin, immune systems, and memory. All three of these areas are essential to a college student. No one really wants to deal with bad skin, students prefer to stay relatively healthy, and memory plays a huge role in test taking and even remembering scheduled assignments, meetings, and exams. Although fruits and vegetables provide a lot of antioxidants, coffee provides even more. Coffee and Parkinson’s Disease According to the National Parkinson Foundation website, coffee can be used to treat the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. There is a lot of research that drinking coffee can help prevent getting Parkinson’s Disease, but this new research shows us that coffee can also benefit people who already have it. Parkinson’s Disease is a chronic movement disorder that is progressive or continues to worsen over time. Part of Parkinsons is constant tremors in various parts of the body. Depending on the timeline of severity, most people tend to not be able to live alone and need total care. There is no current cure for Parkinson’s and the specific cause is unknown, but it helps to have some outside factors that help alleviate the symptoms associated with the disease. Coffee is one of those outside factors. Stress Coffee can be used as a fairly healthy way to alleviate stress. As a college student, you more than likely have some stress in your life. Instead of turning to harmful substances and outlets, you can drink coffee to help soothe you. Stress has many negative effects on your health, so it is best to avoid it or work to alleviate it the best and most healthy way you can. Stress can affect people physically and mentally and can lead to other issues such as depression and weak immune systems. Naturally, the college life brings a lot of stress to students. With school assignments, extracurricular commitments, maintaining social lives and trying to perform well academically, it is easy to see where stress would come from. Since coffee is so accessible and better than unhealthy substances, college students should consider drinking it to help take some of the stress off of their shoulders. Mood It is no secret that coffee can definitely lift your spirits. It gives bursts of energy to you when you’re not feeling the most energetic. If you wake up in a poor mood, you may want to give coffee a try. It is interesting trying to figure out what type of coffee works the best for you. It’s all about trial and error when it comes to figuring that out. You may like caffeinated versus decaffeinated. You may like less cream or more sugar. Once you get your perfect coffee order down, it can really help to put you in a good mood. College students can oftentimes use a pick-me-up with the large workload they are bogged down with. Coffee can help to achieve that. Suicide According to the Harvard Gazette, a study shows that coffee consumption can lower the risk of suicide. Going hand in hand with mood elevation, coffee helps to increase the production of neurotransmitters. Chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, make you feel good and this, in turn, lifts your mood and overall feeling of happiness. For more information about the study, check out the article from the Harvard Gazette. If you are dealing with feelings of worthlessness and suicidal thoughts, please call the Suicide Hotline and someone will talk to you (1-800-273-8255). Although everything should be in moderation, rather than excessiveness, next time you drink your cup of Joe, remember the health benefits it provides for you. None of the above-mentioned topics concerning coffee is foolproof and guaranteed to work for everyone. For more health benefits of coffee, check out this Huffington Post article.

What the Filibuster is Going on in D.C.

What the Filibuster is Going on in D.C. Photo from If youre like most Americans  youre probably wondering why things on Capitol Hill have gotten so dysfunctional recently. After all, the current 112th congress has only passed 200 public laws, the lowest level since World War II. So, what could possibly be the cause of this abysmal output? The short answer is: the filibuster, an endless debate on the senate floor to keep legislation from being put up to a vote. If youve ever seen the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, his speech at the end was a typical filibuster. How is this causing all of the gridlock? Its a bit of a fuzzy picture, but in order to get past a filibuster, the senate must invoke something called cloture, which  forcibly  stops all debate, by a three-fifths majority or 60-40 assuming all senators vote. The process of invoking cloture takes up a lot of time by itself and even if a cloture motion passes, there are six other points in the process at which an opponent of the legislation can filibuster. Now, one might argue that the filibuster is a crucial tool for the minority to check the power of the majority and I would completely agree. The problem with the filibuster stems from the fact that there arent really any criteria limiting the filibuster. Any senator can filibuster any bill for any reason and most of the time the filibuster is applied to a motion to proceed, which is how bills make it to the floor, so most filibustered bills arent even debated, undermining the very concept. Until recently, filibusters were extremely rare and when they did come up people took notice because these senators were talking for  over 24 hours. Why then arent we hearing about these marathon speeches day in and day out? Photo from Because theyre not happening. There isnt a lot of filibustering going on in congress but there is much threatening to filibuster. These silent filibusters happen before the bill makes it to the floor.  The reason threats of filibustering are just as effective as actually filibustering has to do with senate majority leaders of both parties wanting to get things done. If a senator informs the majority leader that he or she intends to filibuster, normally the majority leader will just remove that from the agenda because a 60-vote majority for cloture is rarely attainable in congresses as divided as in recent times. How should we go about fixing this problem? Recent efforts of Democrats in the senate have shown a desire to reform the rules of filibustering so that any work can get done in congress. By October of 2012, this congress had only passed 2.8% of the bills that made it to the floor as illustrated in the graph above. Congress works based on simple 51-49 majority most of the time; requiring a super majority of 60 votes or more is only called for in very specific circumstances.  Due to the current abuse of the filibuster, however, the minority party has the power to make a 60 vote majority the de facto requirement to getting any legislation passed. Democrats are proposing a change to the way filibusters happen in order to restrict the number of opportunities to filibuster, especially concerning filibustering a bill before it reaches the floor, and filibustering a bill before it goes to conference committee. The biggest proposed change is to require what proponents are calling a talking filibuster wherein a senator who wants to block legislation must stand on the floor and make their case for as long as they want to block the bill, or, to put it another way, filibuster exactly the way senators used to filibuster. Are the Republicans okay with these proposed changes Dont be silly! The Republicans are pretty upset by these proposed changes.  The current senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says that his partys opposition to the filibuster change comes from their frustration over being denied the opportunity to add amendments to bills because all the available slots had been filled by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nv.).  He says that because of this amendment tree filling the filibuster is the only way Republicans have their voices heard.  I take issue with this stance for many reasons. The amendment tree  has been filled by Reid during this congress but it has only happened 22 times. To further confound the issue, Reid claims to have filled the tree because the amendments the republicans wanted to add were so called poison pill amendments designed to make the legislation unacceptable resulting in its failure to pass. To me, the idea that the filibuster is how Republicans currently  get their voices heard is laughable because a bill can be filibustered before its debated, ensuring  nobodys  voice is heard regarding that bill. What I think is perfectly clear to anyone who looks at the congress today is, something absolutely has to be done. If the minority party (though both parties are guilty) cant be trusted with the power of the filibuster, then rules need to be adopted that facilitate debate without derailing the legislative process. Our senate was intended  to work with a simple majority, its time we do away with this partisan tactic that necessitates a supermajority. The filibuster is important and gives the minority ample opportunity to give their side of things and stir up debate but thats only when they actually make use of the filibuster instead of just threatening it in order to stall legislation. Besides, it would be a tragedy for them to throw away something thats as much fun to say as  filibuster.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Trump Empire The Conflict Of Interest

Trump Empire The Conflict Of Interest by Gage Skidmore via Many of those who intend to vote for Mr. Trump cite his business experience as a major source of confidence in his ability to take on the role of President of the United States. They believe that Trump can renegotiate the trade agreements like TPP and NAFTA that he criticizes, that because he knows the ins and outs of dirty-money politics in America, he is the only one who can stop it. They frown upon Clinton for being one of these dirty politicians. Yet, what fails to be recognized is the other side of the coin: if Hillary Clinton is too tied into big money, Trump is the big money (and its in his interest to keep it that way). In fact, he contributed to her political campaign in 2008 (Washington Examiner). He now claims that he contributed for business reasons. Presumably, if Trump were to step up to the plate in 2017, he would still have at least a finger in, if not a firm grip on, the family business, and that means his interests wouldnt suddenly be reoriented to those of the workingman. In fact, whats to stop Donald Trump, a man whos been fighting for his business his entire life, from enacting law to specifically favor that very same Trump business? Donald Trump admits to making political donations to fodder friendly political winds now hes simply cutting out the middle man. He has taken full advantage of the devaluation of currency in China and Mexico that he complains about by setting up his factories there. To make the same profit margins he does now with factories in the United States, domestic factory workers would have to work for virtual slave wages (about a tenth of what the average factory worker makes now if he wanted to be on par with China) (Huffington Post). Trump has played the system at every junction, so why would he want to affect change that would take away the advantage he already has as a very wealthy man? by Sharon McKellar via Another disturbing fact is that when given the opportunity, Donald Trump bankrupted his casinos four times. The bill fell on his investors and business partners while he collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and other payments(NY Times). He made blatantly irresponsible business decisions, acquiring loans with unsustainable interest rates and acquiring outrageous debts. Take for example his touted project the Taj, on which the debt exceeded 820 million. The failure of this casino gets lumped into the bankruptcies of a number of New Jersey casinos, however, the Taj was barely afloat years before the others went under. Even before its opening it would have needed to gross an unprecedented 1.3 million a day in revenue just to make its interest payments. Yet, Trump doesnt seem to regret any of these decisions; in fact, he  brags about them, and frequently talks about how much profit he made. He never seems to mention the small companies he destroyed by failing to pay, or the employees he left on a sinking ship. Which begs the question: Whose side will he be on when the going gets tough? His countrys or his own?

SAT Test Dates 2017-2018 (Plus a BONUS!)

SAT Test Dates 2017-2018 (Plus a BONUS!) Looking for  SAT test  dates  for the 2017-2018 school year? Check out our complete schedule with registration deadlines. Prepare for the SAT online by taking this free sample practice test. The  SAT test answer key  is here. If you need  a  tutor  here is a list of  the best  SAT prep tutors.  Our  SAT  tutors  are trained to approach each students individual needs, providing a customized tutoring program that is tailored to yield the best results! SAT Test Dates 2017-2018 (Plus a BONUS!) Looking for  SAT test  dates  for the 2017-2018 school year? Check out our complete schedule with registration deadlines. Prepare for the SAT online by taking this free sample practice test. The  SAT test answer key  is here. If you need  a  tutor  here is a list of  the best  SAT prep tutors.  Our  SAT  tutors  are trained to approach each students individual needs, providing a customized tutoring program that is tailored to yield the best results!

Chemistry Tutors - Make Sure You Choose The Best Available

Chemistry Tutors - Make Sure You Choose The Best AvailableThere are a number of Chemistry Tutors available for free online in order to help you with your problems. Whether you need help with Chemistry or are a budding scientist, there is an online Chemistry Tutor out there to help you get through your problem. However, not all these Tutors are created equal.There are a number of reasons why you may need to use a Chemistry Tutor Free Online. You may be trying to find a way to have more self-confidence or because you just don't know much about chemistry. Whatever the reason, the most important thing is that you get the best Chemistry Tutor.One of the first things to look for in a Chemistry Free Online is feedback. If a Tutor is giving you positive feedback, that can only mean that they have made some progress. If a Tutor is giving you negative feedback, chances are you won't be getting the best results possible. If you don't have time to read these feedbacks, then be sure to get a free ChemGuide, which has lots of details and often no obligations to you.Tutors will also have websites with reviews. They are almost always going to give positive feedbacks in a tutoring session and they will also help you to improve your learning skills.It is easy to learn with tutors but you should be wary of those that just teach you on the Internet. A lot of free Chemistry Tutors just want to sell you a product. They may even pay you a commission for the sale.There are a number of Professional Tutors available for you as well. They have been studying the science of Chemistry and they have the necessary qualifications to teach it. These Tutors will help you understand your subject better and you will find that you will learn a lot more in a tutoring session than you ever would have if you were learning it by yourself.Remember that a Chemistry Tutor Free Online is an investment. That means you need to be sure that you are getting the best possible Tutor that you can afford to have.

The World of Learning to Play the Guitar - Are Nu-Tutoring Services Worthwhile?

The World of Learning to Play the Guitar - Are Nu-Tutoring Services Worthwhile?If you are seeking the best ways of learning to play the guitar then Nu-Tutoring is the way to go. This is a reputable company that offers high quality tutoring for all types of needs including education, socialization, music lessons, and technical and professional counseling. The unique nature of Nu-Tutoring is that they can provide specialized tutoring for each individual student to ensure their best possible learning experience.All Nu-Tutoring staff members have earned their own certification from an accredited institution and are fully certified. Their standardized teaching style is based on the theory of Carl Van Vechten and is facilitated by Tom Cranshaw, the founder of Nu-Tutoring. In today's world of education, the creation of this school should not be understated. Nu-Tutoring is a clear indicator of the future of education in general and is destined to be an influential force in this direction.The way that Nu-Tutoring puts their graduates to work, however, is truly remarkable. The technology and ability to utilize students as students is nothing short of awe inspiring. Because of the excellent way that they train their students, they learn how to pay attention, listen, pay attention to detail, and memorize information in a manner that few other programs do.An example of what Nu-Tutoring does is offer workshops in music education, personal development, and music business administration. The workshops focus on quality teaching and proper pedagogy which are the cornerstone of the music program at Nu-Tutoring. You will also learn about how to use music to enhance your life and succeed in your career.The music and business aspects of Nu-Tutoring are what set them apart from many other schools in that they are specifically created to foster both. Students have the opportunity to practice their skills as a musician, how to build their credibility within the music business, and what to expect from when they pursue employment in the music industry. Their curriculum is based on the theory of developmental theory and is tailor made to meet each individual student's needs in order to provide them with the best education possible.They also offer an extensive list of tutoring services, as well as beginning workshops, CDs, and downloadable materials to improve your practice. Although the programs they offer are specialized in nature, many people find them valuable for their comprehensive approach to learning.The programs offered by Nu-Tutoring may be unique, but they come highly recommended. This school is fast becoming a leader in the field of teaching excellence and offers an extensive range of services that can prove invaluable in your quest to learn to play the guitar.

3 Often-Overlooked Parts of a Successful Vocal Performance

3 Often-Overlooked Parts of a Successful Vocal Performance Suzy S. Stage presence makes a huge difference in how your audience will respond to you. Take a look at these performance tips from NY music teacher  Nadia B... You’ve practiced, rehearsed, and it’s finally time to share your vocal arts with others. Sometimes, though, components of a successful performance can be overlooked after you’ve spent so much time mastering the music. Key elements of stage presence for singers include setting a unique musical intention, making use of physical space and gestures, and creating connection in the moments directly before and after you sing, all of which will guarantee that you create an unforgettable and enjoyable performance. Establishing Your Musical Intention What makes live performance enjoyable is the spontaneity created by the performer-audience connection. It can never be the same twice. You can take advantage of this fact by taking a moment before your performance, or in the rehearsals leading up to your performance, to set a unique musical intention. What is a desired feeling you want to convey in each piece, in this performance? You can take into account the audience makeup (is it children, friends and family, judges of a singing competition, or the general public?), and the personal significance of the music for you. Setting this intention will ensure that your performance is meaningful and spontaneous, since you are interacting with the aesthetic of the music in a current and engaged way. Making Use of Physical Space Another element that differentiates stage presence for singers from other musicians is that singers are in a unique position to make use of physical space, both within their own bodies and in the environment. For this reason, an important part of your performance as a singer is to consider the physical possibilities. Are there certain times that movement would emphasize the musical setting or mood? Also consider physical gestures as a way to underline the key musical characteristics of each piece. If youre not sure what to do with your hands or body while singing, check out the helpful tips in this video: Sometimes simply becoming aware of the space around you is enough â€" even if you don’t incorporate movement or gestures, this awareness can allow you to fully expand into the space physically, energetically, and vocally. Creating a Connection With Your Audience Lastly, consider the first and last things you do in your singing performance: you greet and express your gratitude toward the audience for sharing your musical journey with you. These moments play a key part in creating a well-rounded performance. When you enter the stage, a sincere bow can establish an immediate connection with your listeners, and taking your time as you walk along the stage, bow, and prepare to begin singing can allow your audience to settle in and join your journey with ease.  A rushed or nervous entrance can draw the attention away from the music and unsettle the audience. At the end of the performance, a gracious bow allows the audience to fully savor and participate in your performance. They are thrilled that you have performed for them, and it is a sign of respect to acknowledge the pleasure and gratitude that they express with their applause. If you are unsure of how your stage presence is, try turning on an applause track on YouTube at home and working on entering and exiting the room. You can also watch performances of famous singers to see how they interact with the audience to get ideas. Remember that your musical preparation and practice will help you have your best performance possible. Keeping in mind these other elements will only serve to showcase your hard work and skill, and developing a confident stage presence can make the difference between a good performance and an unforgettable performance, both for you and your listeners! Bonus: Find out how learning to act can help your singing, too! Dont forget a professional voice coach can also help you develop your tone and stage presence! Find a teacher near you here. Nadia B. teaches flute and piano in New York, NY, as well as through online lessons. She  acted as principal flutist of the orchestra and wind ensemble at  California State University, Sacramento, and then went on to receive her degree in Music Performance from New York University.  Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Boelseye Lisa Boels

SAT Prep

How to Make the Most of Your Summer ACT/SAT Prep Summer is the perfect time to begin studying for the ACT or SAT. Regardless of which test you choose, or if you plan to sit for both exams, take advantage of the summer months as an opportunity to deep-dive into prep. Summer can allow you a more flexible study schedule and may leave you better rested to tackle test prep. Make the most of your summer ACT/SAT prep by registering for your exam, using your time wisely, and working with a tutor. Here are several other tips to help you make the most of your summer ACT and SAT prep: Make the most of your summer ACT/SAT prep by working with others Working with an ACT tutor, an SAT tutor, or a friend can be a great place to start with your summer test prep. A tutor can assess your weaknesses and offer suggestions on how to improve them. In addition, a tutor can provide customized help, thus increasing your efficiency during your summer study hours. Tutors often have numerous resources, so youre unlikely to run out of practice questions. A study group can also be helpful to your summer ACT/SAT prep in many ways, including: Your peers can hold you accountable to your review schedule Working with a study group can help you further identify both areas of needed improvement and areas where you are succeeding. [RELATED: What I Wish I Knew About Taking the ACT/SAT] Make the most of your summer ACT/SAT prep by using your time wisely If youre setting aside time to study for the SAT or ACT, make sure youre using that time wisely. Turn off your phone and remove all distractions. Experiment with using a timer to help you focus. While youre practicing, note what you need the most help on. Taking practice tests can help you recognize areas of focus and how to best use your prep time. After you take a practice test, review the results, identify what you need to work on, and practice those trouble spots before taking another practice exam. [RELATED: Time Management Tips for Students] Make the most of your summer ACT/SAT prep by scheduling practice time Just because its summer doesnt mean you cant use those great time management skills youve honed in high school. Set aside time in your schedule to practice for the ACT or SAT. Do you have a summer job or summer school commitments? Note these commitments in your calendar so that you can schedule prep time when you will be able to fully focus. [RELATED: Should I Take the ACT or SAT?] Make the most of your summer ACT/SAT prep by registering for your exam At the beginning of your summer prep, research upcoming test dates. Once you register for your exam, youll have a specific deadline to complete your studying by. Filling out your College Board profile can also be helpful before junior or senior year. Its great to take advantage of the summer time to get these administrative tasks out of the way. Make the most of your summer ACT/SAT prep by keeping your eye on the prize When SAT and ACT prep get stressful, its important to remind yourself of your end goal. Perhaps you have a dream college that youre working toward. Remember that great test scores can set you apart from your other well-rounded peers. When you get discouraged, remind yourself of your goalsyouve got this! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at